د chinchilla نوم څنګه ولیکئ؟

د chinchilla نوم څنګه ولیکئ؟

Among the pleasant hassles associated with the appearance of the house of a chinchilla, a charming eared rodent, there is a very special issue. How to name a chinchilla? This question is much more serious than it seems, because this pet with caring owners is able to live up to 20 years. What nickname will reflect the character of your ward and will suit him throughout his life? We have collected for you ideas of successful and beautiful names for chinchillas.

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Chinchilla remembers her name, responds to her nickname. Provided that you have chosen an easy-to-pronounce, simple name and have worked on making the pet respond to it.

It is better to choose a name of two syllables. So it is more likely that your ward will learn it faster. Some chinchilla owners note that it is better to give preference to names with hissing and whistling sounds: Cherry, Chichi, Shandy, Georges. One of the experienced chinchilla lovers notes that for some reason, pets better remember names starting with the letter “B”: Squirrel, Bella, Bonya, Ben, Benji.

د chinchilla نوم څنګه ولیکئ؟

Names of boys and girls

Is it possible to give chinchilla crumbs human names? Good question. If you call the chinchilla Vasya, Petya, Zoya, Tanya, then there is a high probability that namesakes of rodents will appear among your friends and relatives who will not appreciate the choice of name. Still, there are cases when it is better to draw a line between the names of people and the nicknames of pets.

If you are already choosing a human name for an eared ward, it is better to think about a rare or foreign name. Ideas for interesting names for chinchillas are sure to be found in your favorite movies and TV shows, among the names of your favorite foreign artists. Just think how wide your choice is: Simon, Josie, Bruce, Carmen, Martin, Pam, Willy, Audrey.

Simple and cute names for boys and girls can be made if you pay attention to the word chinchilla itself. How can this be pleasantly and affectionately reduced? The consonant names of Shelley, Sheila, Sean, Shosha, Shelby will do.

If you want your furry friend to have a more sophisticated, sonorous name, tune into the wave of beauty and romance and fantasize. Grace, Cleo, Caesar, Sappho, Esther, Athos, Camillus, Remus, Romulus – how many beautiful names, each of which has a whole story.

If it turns out that you do not know the gender of your chinchilla, do not despair. Even so, you can come up with a great name with a touch of personality: Coco, Sky, Mocha, Rene.

Color, character of the pet, interests of the owner

We have already mentioned that movies and TV shows are just an abyss of chinchilla name ideas. But you probably have other interests, hobbies. Nothing will prevent a lover of painting from naming a pet Monet or Cezanne. The theatergoer can choose the name Aida or Manon for the chinchilla.

Nobody canceled “tasty” nicknames like Korzhik, Bagel, Candy, Marshmallow. There are many movies and cartoons, after the characters of which you can name your ward – Bambi, Stuart (like the mouse Stuart Little), Jerry, Simba, Funtik. The nature and habits of the pet may lead you to think of names like Shiva, Dushka, Fanny, Smarty, Crazy, Paw.

The color of the pet can also tell you the solution. Most often, chinchillas are gray in color. What handsome man or beauty can be called Smokey, Shadow, Smoky or Smoky. A pet with black fur can be christened Onyx, Cosmos, Chernysh. What is the name of the white chinchilla? Snowball, Snezhana, Belyash – why not? The names Ginger, Orange, Freckle are suitable for a reddish chinchilla.

Teaching a pet to a nickname

Chinchillas are quite independent creatures, they are not very good at training. But getting a pet to learn its name is a doable task. Call your pet by name, and every time he responds and comes to you, reward this behavior with a treat. Or call the chinchilla by name to different ends of the cage. If there is a desired reaction, also give a treat. Don’t be too hard on your cute rodent. It may take him two weeks or a month to get used to his nickname. Be patient.

It is important to call the pet by name all the time, without several different diminutive options, then the training will be successful. It happens that a wayward pet remembers its name, but responds every other time, according to its mood. This is quite a common situation.

د chinchilla نوم څنګه ولیکئ؟

If you can’t decide which name is best for your ward, ask for advice from experienced chinchilla owners on the thematic forum. So you can find out first hand concrete examples of what names are given to chinchillas, how long pets remember nicknames.

Whatever the name of your pet, it is important that you and your loved ones pronounce it with joy, love and care. We are sure that your chinchilla will definitely like the name you have come up with!

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